Powerful Dua For Intimacy Between Husband And Wife


Today, we will discuss an effective and strong Dua For Intimacy Between Husband And Wife, which your brother shares in a proper, halal way.

First, it is important to understand how crucial prayer is in your life. After that, you should notice if the prayer is working and how it’s making a difference.

Why intimacy dua Is Important for Couples?

I interact with thousands of people who hesitate to share their concerns. About a month ago, I received a call from my client Asra, who was very hesitant to discuss her issue. I assured her that she could speak freely.

After she explained her problem, I realized it was crucial for my Muslim brothers and sisters to understand that hiding issues or not discussing them doesn’t solve anything. Solutions come when we openly share our concerns.

As soon as she mentioned that her problem was her husband’s lack of physical affection and love, I shared a specific dua with her. The changes in her life since then have been remarkable.

In this article, I am going to share the same dua that I told her. If you are facing a similar issue, stop worrying and follow the dua I suggest, along with the full procedure.

Tips Before Starting the dua to increase intimacy between husband and wife

  1. Make sure you have the right intention before and during the prayer.
  2. While praying, remember Allah and ask Him to accept your prayer quickly.
  3. Face the Qiblah (the direction of the Kaaba) while praying.
  4. You can say this dua after any prayer (salat).
  5. After the final prayer of the day, repeat your husband’s name 11 times.

How to Make a Dua for Intimacy Between Husband and Wife?

  • Go to a quiet place where you can focus without any distractions.
  • Make sure you’re clean. You can do wudu (ablution) if you want, but it’s not necessary for making a dua.
  • Lift your hands up in front of you, palms facing up, as if you’re holding a book.
  • Begin by saying “Dear Allah, you are the best and you take care of everyone.”
  • Now, say this- “Allahumma, sa’id wali-dayya ‘ala hubba ba’dihima al-ba’d kathiran. Aj’ilhum sa’ideen wa abqihim daiman qareebeen. Ameen.
  • Finish by thanking Allah.
  • Gently wipe your face with your hands after you finish.

When both spouses pray for intimacy, together or separately, it can open the door to more candid conversations about their wants, preferences, and worries.

You can recite Dua For Engagement to get engaged soon.

Dua To Increase Intimacy Between Husband And Wife
Dua To Increase Intimacy Between Husband and Wife

Dua To Increase Intimacy Between Husband and Wife

Here is an example of a dua for intimacy between husband and wife that can be recited by both husband and wife to seek Allah’s blessings and guidance for intimacy:

“Allahumma, Anta Khaliq al-hubb wa al-shahwa. Nasta’eenuka fi lahazat al-hamim, talabaan barakatika wa irshadika. A’inna ‘ala ta’zeez al-‘alaqat baynana wa wahibna al-hikmah li’ibda’ hubbina wa shahwatina li ba’dina bi tareeqah tardeeh. Izil ‘an tariqina ayyi ‘awaaqil, jismiyah, ‘atafsiyah, aw ruhaniyah. Ja’al ‘alaqatina mali’a bil-hubb wa al-thiqah wa al-ikmaal. Ameen.”

You can contact to get duas from our Molvi Ji for any and all of life’s challenges. He will direct you in the most advantageous method possible.

In this article, we discuss the importance of intimacy in marriage and how practicing intimate behaviors can help make every moment together special.

6 Easy Steps Method To Perform Dua For Intimacy

Here is a Prayer for Intimacy Between Husband and Wife:

  1. Take a shower, perform wudu (ablution), and wear clean clothes.
  2. Recite “Ya Rahmanu” ten times.
  3. Repeat your wish or request three times, then read a passage from the Quran.
  4. Now, say the following prayer: “Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil-akhirati hasanatan waqina adhaban-nar” (Our Lord, grant us good in this world and good in the Hereafter, and protect us from the punishment of the Fire).
  5. Write “Allah Rahman” on a piece of paper and put it in a glass of water.
  6. Drink the water slowly, asking Allah to grant your wish.

Note: Perform this prayer for 5 days in a row with a pure heart and soul. Do not skip any day, and follow all the steps carefully. Sisters may skip the prayer during their menstrual days (Periods).

Dua For Intimacy
Dua For Intimacy

Which is the Best Dua Before Intimacy?

If you’re having difficulties in understanding what should be done before intimacy to make it halal, you can also read our Dua before Intimacy” for Allah’s support.

بِسْمِ اللهِ اللَّهُمَّ جَنِّبْنَا الشَّيْطَانَ ، وَجَنِّبِ الشَّيْطَانَ مَا رَزَقْـتَنَا


Bismillaah – Allaah umma jaann ibnash-shayṭaana, wa jann ibish-shay ṭaana maa razaq tanaa.

English Translation: In the Name of Allah we pray. O Allah, keep the satan (the devil) far away from us, and also keep the satan far away from the things that you have blessed us with.

6 Benefits of Reciting Dua For Intimacy Between Husband and Wife

The benefits of this prayer are numerous, and I’ll share three key benefits with you.

  1. One of the key advantages of reciting dua for intimacy is the possibility of improved physical and emotional connection between spouses.
  2. If you perform this prayer, your health will stay good.
  3. After doing this prayer, your husband will be protected from the evil eye and negative influences.
  4. This prayer can help prevent any future problems in your relationship.
  5. It can also enhance the bond of love and trust between you and your spouse.
  6. This prayer brings peace and happiness into your home, creating a positive environment for both partners.

You can read Dua for Marriage.


Intimacy between husband and wife can be enhanced and the quality of married life improved via the practice of dua. By turning to Allah for help in this holy area of their relationship, partners can become closer physically.

Through trust on Allah in good and bad, Muslim women and their husbands are better able to weather the storms of marriage and raise happy, healthy children.

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