Assalam Alaikum, my dear Muslim brothers and sisters. Today, we will discuss the dua to bring husband and wife closer.
Every married couple thinks that the love in their relationship will continue to grow with time. For most couples, this does happen in marriage. However, some married couples are not that lucky.
How Dua To Bring Husband and Wife Closer can Help You?
The husband and wife grow apart because of misfortune or bad luck. Many situations lead to a married couple getting distanced. This distance in the relationship is the saddest thing to spouses. In this respect, the “Increase Love Between Husband And Wife Dua” can come into play.
Things may worsen for a couple if they do not make efforts toward saving their marriage in time. They will catch themselves being removed from their spouse.
The distance between them and their spouse will never reduce if efforts are not made from both sides. They should work out what will save the marriage and relationship.
Reading the dua to bring husband and wife closer can make their marriage happier.
Stepwise process to perform dua to bring husband and wife closer
Performing this dua to bring husband and wife closer requires following these steps:
- Begin with performing Wudu (ablution) to ensure purity.
- Recite Durood (salutations upon the Prophet) 11 times.
- Repeat the name of Allah, “AL-MUHYEE AL-WAAHID,” 213 times.
- Recite the verse from the Quran, “Rabbi inni lima anzalta ilayya min khayrin faqeer,” 434 times.
- Conclude by sincerely praying to Allah (SWT) to bring both husband and wife closer together.
To get the best results, it would be best if you performed this dua for husband-wife for 5 days.
Insha Allah, within a few days, you will see great results. If you see no results, do not hesitate to contact our Peer Ghulam Ali Dahlavi.
Detailed Steps For Dua To Increase Love Between Husband and Wife
The dua to increase love between husband and wife is the third powerful dua to bring husband and wife closer we share with you.
To perform the wazifa or Dua to increase love between husband, follow this process:
- Sit in a quiet place and begin to recite Surah Al-Fatiha Ayat (2) ten times.
- Take a cloth regularly worn by your husband or wife.
- Please keep it in front of you and recite Ayatul Kursi five times.
- Pray to increase love between you and your spouse with an honest heart.
- At last, blow over the cloth and keep it back in its place.
The dua to increase love between husband-wife is to be performed for eight days. After a few days, you will see the results of this powerful dua to bring husband and wife closer.
If you are feeling that your husband is not giving you the proper attention that you deserve, then do not lose hope, you can read our dua for husband and wife love.
The sooner you begin to notice a negative change in your marriage, you should begin to recite the wazifa to increase love between husband and wife.
The sooner you understand the signs of your marriage falling apart, the better your chances of saving it.
Stepwise Process To Perform The Dua For Love Between Husband And Wife
- Perform ablution (Wudu) to purify yourself.
- Sit in a quiet place facing the direction of Qibla.
- Begin by reciting Durood Sharif 11 times.
- Then, recite the dua: “Ya Wadudu” (O Loving One) 101 times with focus and sincerity.
- Beseech Allah (SWT) to deepen the love and bond between you and your spouse.
- Commit to performing this dua consistently with unwavering faith and positive intentions.
For any further questions about the dua for love between husband and wife, consult our Islamic scholar. Our Molvi Ghulam Ali Dahlavi Ji will help you with the best duas for husband-wife love.
How To Recite Dua To Make Husband And Wife Closer
There are several different dua (prayers) and supplications that, according to Islam, can be recited to strengthen the connection that exists between a husband and wife and bring them closer together.
The Dua for Love and Affection between Spouses is a frequent prayer to obtain this blessing. The dua is as follows:
اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ حُبَّكَ وَحُبَّ مَنْ يُحِبُّكَ وَحُبَّ عَمَلٍ يُقَرِّبُنِي إِلَى حُبِّكَ
“O Allah, I seek Your love and the love of those who love You, as well as the love of deeds that will lead me deeper to Your love.”
5 Steps To Perform Dua For Husband and Wife Relationship
Here is a simple 5 steps method to strengthen the relationship between husband and wife:
- First, perform Wudu (ablution).
- Then, recite “Bismillah” 99 times.
- After that, recite “Ya Wadud” 232 times.
- Next, recite “Salamun qawlan mir rabbir raheem” twice.
- Finally, pray to Allah (SWT) to bless and smoothen the relationship between husband and wife.
You should follow this method regularly for 17 days if you want to improve the relationship between you and your spouse.
Frequently Asked Questions
How to read Surah to bring husband wife closer?
After the Isha namaz, reciting Surah Al-A’raf will bring the husband-wife closer.
Read this surah for husband and wife with a pure heart and have faith in Allah. Within one week, you will see a positive change in your marital relationship.
What is the ayat to bring husband-wife closer?
The ayat to bring husband and wife closer is-
“Hasbiyal laahu laaa ilaaha illaa Huwa’ alaihi tawakkkaltu wa Huwa Rabbul’ Arshil ‘Azeem.”
Reciting this ayat 100 times every day for a month after the Fajr namaz gives great results. Before reading this ayat, recite any six names of Allah.
Where Can My Husband and I Find Help to End Our Arguments?
Over time, misunderstandings between a husband and wife might lead to heated arguments.
If you would like to avoid arguments like these, it’s best if everyone involved approaches conflict resolution with a positive and cooperative attitude.
Is There Any Way For The Couples To Rebuild Trust?
You and your partner have a better chance of regaining trust if you’re there for each other during both happy and sad times. It’s a sign of two people getting along well together.
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