3 Powerful Dua to change someone’s mind and heart


Have you ever wished for a change in someone’s heart, whether it’s a loved one, a family member, or even a friend? Our special dua to change someone’s mind and heart has worked wonders for people across the world, bringing love, peace, and understanding. Imagine being able to soften a hardened heart or shift someone’s mindset with Allah’s help.

How Our Special Dua Can Change Someone’s Mind and Heart?

Dua to change someone’s mind and heart has transformed the lives of millions around the world. This powerful dua helps in guiding someone’s thoughts and feelings, making it a cherished practice for those looking to influence hearts and minds positively.

By following specific steps and using dedicated duas, you can invite Allah’s help to bring about the change you seek.

This dua isn’t just something you say; it’s like a special key that opens Allah’s mercy and blessings. When you say this dua with a believing heart, you’re asking Allah to bring light to a place where there is darkness.

You’re asking Him to fill someone’s heart with love, understanding, and kindness. If you are patient and trust Allah, you’ll see how powerful this dua can be. It helps make hearts warm and loving.

If you are not getting proposals then start reading our Dua For Marriage Proposals.

Rules to Follow Before Starting This Dua

  1. Pure Intentions: Make sure your intentions are kind and sincere. Do not use this dua to harm anyone or with any selfish motives.
  2. Strong Faith: Recite the dua with strong faith in Allah’s power and mercy.
  3. Consistency: Follow the instructions carefully and make sure to recite the dua every day without missing any day.
  4. Avoid During Menstruation: If you are a woman, do not perform this dua during your menstruation period.
  5. Be Patient: Changing someone’s mind and heart takes time. Be patient and persistent in your efforts.

5 Steps to Perform Dua to Change Someone’s Mind and Heart

When you feel that someone is being rigid or unkind, and you wish to soften their heart and change their mind, follow these 5 easy steps. Remember, dua is your conversation with Allah, so speak to Him with sincerity and devotion.

  • Before making the dua, ensure that your intention is pure.
  • Choose a peaceful place where you can sit comfortably and be alone with Allah.
  • After each of your five daily prayers, recite this dua:

Ya Muqallibal quloob, thabbit qalbi ‘ala deenik.
(Transliteration: O Turner of the hearts, keep my heart firm on Your religion.)

While this dua is asking for firmness in faith, you can use it to request Allah to turn the heart of the person you are praying for. Recite this dua 11 times after every prayer, and do this continuously for 21 days.

If you need any assistance or wish to follow this method with the special guidance of Molvi Ghulam Ali Dahlavi, feel free to reach out to him via WhatsApp.

Dua To Make Someone Change Their Mind
Dua to Make Someone Change Their Mind

Know about Dua to Make Someone Change Their Mind

If someone is being stubborn or unwilling to see things from a different perspective, this dua to make someone change their mind can help.

Allah is the controller of all hearts, and by turning to Him, you are asking for His help to guide that person towards understanding.

  • Perform wudu, ensuring that your body and soul are pure.
  • Clear your mind from distractions and prepare yourself to make the dua with full concentration.
  • Recite Surah Taha (Verse 25-28)

Rabbi ishrah li sadri, wa yassir li amri, wahlul ‘uqdatan min lisani, yafqahu qawli.
(Transliteration: O my Lord, open for me my chest, and ease my task for me, and loosen the knot from my tongue, that they may understand my speech.)

Recite these verses 11 times and ask Allah to soften the mind of the person you are thinking of. Do this dua after each Salah for 7 days.

  • Wake up in the last third of the night, perform two rakats of prayer, and make this dua during your Tahajjud for 7 days.

Read our dua to get married soon.

Dua to Soften Someone’s Heart (For Change of Heart)

Sometimes, it’s not just the mind that needs changing; it’s the heart. The heart can be hard and closed, but Allah has the power to soften it with love and mercy. Here is a dua to soften someone’s heart:

1. Make Wudu and Sit Peacefully

2. Recite Surah Ash-Sharh (94:1-8) (The Opening)

“Alam nashrah laka sadrak wa wada’na ‘anka wizrak alladhi anqada zahrak wa rafa’na laka dhikrak fa inna ma’al usri yusran inna ma’al usri yusra fa idha faraghta fansab wa ila rabbika farghab.”

3. Make Your Dua After Durood Shareef

Allahumma layyin qalbi wa qalba [mention the person’s name] kama layyintal hadidi li Da’wud.”
(Transliteration: O Allah, soften my heart and the heart of [mention the person’s name] just as You softened iron for Dawood.)

Recite this dua 101 times after Fajr or Isha prayer for 11 days. InshaAllah, Allah will soften their heart, and you will notice a positive change.


Changing someone’s mind or heart is not in our hands, but in the hands of Allah, the All-Knowing and All-Powerful. By performing dua to change someone’s mind and heart, you are asking Allah to bring mercy, love, and understanding into that person’s life. Whether it’s their mind or heart that needs change, Allah can guide them in the best way.

Remember to be consistent, patient, and trust in Allah’s wisdom. Whether it’s through the dua to soften someone’s heart or to change their mind, these powerful duas can open doors of love and understanding, bringing peace and harmony to your life.

May Allah bless your efforts and soften the hearts of those you love.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Allah Put Love in Your Heart for Someone?

Yes, Allah can put love in your heart for someone. When you pray to Allah and ask Him with a sincere heart, He can fill your heart with love for that person.

It’s like asking Allah to help you feel warm and caring towards someone special. Allah listens to your prayers and can help you feel love and kindness in your heart.

Which Dua Creates Love in Someone’s Heart?

To create love in someone’s heart, you can use this dua: “Ya Allah, put love and kindness in the heart of [name] towards me.”

Recite this dua regularly and ask Allah with a pure heart to fill that person’s heart with love for you. Allah listens to your prayers and can help make hearts feel warm and loving.

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