Most Powerful Dua for Love Back (Get Your Love Back)


Aslam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu to all my dear brothers and sisters. Today, we are going to share a dua that will bring back the lost love in your life.

If this question is on your mind: “Will Allah give me my love back?” then reading this article will give you with the answer to your question.

If you are also feeling the same, then without delaying you can recite dua for love back and see the changes.

How the Power of Fajr Dua Can Bring Your Love Back?

The Fajr dua is a powerful way to ask Allah for help in bringing back lost love. The early morning time of Fajr is special because it’s a moment when Allah listens to sincere prayers.

By performing the Fajr prayer and reciting a dua for love, you invite Allah’s mercy into your life. Ask Him to restore love, strengthen your bond, and bring peace to your relationship.

With faith, consistency, and patience, Allah can bring back the love and harmony you seek. Trust in Him, and He will guide your heart.

Follow These 9 Points Before Reciting Our Dua For Love Back

Things that you should keep in mind while you are reciting the “dua for love.” When doing this dua for love back, you need to take certain measures in order for it to be as effective as possible and for you to see results in a timely manner.

  1. First, make sure you and the place where you’re doing this special prayer (wazifa) are clean.
  2. Face the direction of the Kaaba (Qibla) while you pray to bring love into your life.
  3. Have the holy Quran and Zamzam water close by for the best results.
  4. Believe strongly that Allah will hear your prayer.
  5. Start the prayer after you finish your daily Namaz (prayer).
  6. Think about the person you love and want to marry while you pray.
  7. If you make a mistake, just say “Astaghfirullah(Sorry, Allah) and start again.
  8. Women shouldn’t do this prayer during their periods.
  9. Keep positive thoughts and avoid thinking or saying anything mean or angry.

This should be easier for a young person to understand!

4 Steps To Perform For Most Powerful Dua For Love Back

Steps to Perform the Dua for love back for Quickly Regaining Lost Love:

  1. After completing any salah, you will have to perform wudu.
  2. After that, chant “Allahu Akbar” 5 times while imagining your lover’s face.
  3. Then, recite “Wa Huwaa Laa Aliyu Azeem” 100 times.
  4. At last, pray to Allah SWT for getting your love back as soon as possible.

You have to perform this ritual for four days.

4 Main Reasons of Reciting This Dua

Here are four reasons why you should recite a dua for love back-

  1. When you really miss being with that person and want things to be like they used to be.
  2. If you feel sad and empty without them and hope they will come back.
  3. When you realize you made a mistake and want a second chance to make things right.
  4. When you just can’t stop thinking about them and wish they would feel the same way about you again.
This Image Shows Dua For Lost Love Back
This image shows Dua For Lost Love Back

How To Perform Dua For Lost Love Back

If you want a good result, follow these Steps to Perform Dua Correctly

  1. Make all your Dua right after hearing the Adhan.
  2. Drink Zamzam water before starting the Dua (if you have it, though it’s not mandatory).
  3. Sit facing the Qibla while performing the Dua.
  4. Perform the Dua in a proper Islamic Halal manner.
  5. Read the following Dua: “Qul in kuntum tuhibboonal laaha fattabi’ oonee yuhbibkumul laahu wa yaghfir lakum zunoobakum; wallaahu Ghafoorur Raheem.
  6. If you make a mistake while performing the Dua, recite the 99 names of Allah 1000 times.
  7. Have complete faith in Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) while performing this Dua.

You can contact him for the dua to attract someone towards you. You can also contact him for the dua to make someone fall in love with you if you want someone to love you anyhow.

Powerful Dua to Restore Lost Love

When love fades or challenges arise in relationships, this dua can help restore the bond and understanding between you and your partner. Recite this dua during Fajr, or at any time, and ask Allah to bring back the affection and care you once shared.

Ya Wadud, ya Raheem, rudd hubbana fee ‘alaqatina wa wahid qulubana bi rahmatika

Transliteration: “Ya Wadud, ya Raheem, restore the love in my relationship and let our hearts be united once again with your mercy.”


  1. Begin with a fresh wudu (ablution) before Fajr prayer.
  2. Perform two rakaats (units) of Fajr salah.
  3. After completing your salah, sit in a peaceful place and recite the dua above 100 times.
  4. Ask Allah with sincerity to bring your lost love back into your life.

Recite this dua for 21 days consistently, and trust that Allah will guide your relationship back on the right path.

Procedure of Islamic Dua to Reignite Love in a Relationship

If you feel that the spark in your relationship has dimmed, this dua will help reignite the love and connection between you and your partner. Islam teaches us that love is a gift from Allah, and by asking Him, we can strengthen our bonds with those we care about.

  1. Perform wudu before starting this dua.
  2. After your daily salah, sit in a quiet place.
  3. Recite the dua Ya Allah, barik fee ‘alaqatina bil hubb wal fahm, wa ‘inna ‘ala tajawuz kulli ikhtibar.” 50 times.
  4. Visualize your relationship being healed and filled with love.

How many days to recite: Recite this dua for 11 days straight after each salah, and watch how your love begins to grow stronger each day.

Effective Dua to Create Affection in a Relationship

Sometimes, despite our best efforts, misunderstandings happen, and affection fades. This dua is designed to help rekindle that affection and soften the hearts of both partners. Through Allah’s mercy, love can be renewed.

Ya Allah, layyin qulubana li ba’dina wa ‘izil ayy burud aw su’ al-fahm baynana.
Transliteration: “Ya Allah, soften our hearts towards each other and remove any bitterness or misunderstanding between us.”

3 Steps To Perform Dua

  1. Perform wudu.
  2. Sit down after Asr prayer (the afternoon prayer) and recite this dua 75 times.
  3. While reciting, reflect on the beautiful moments you’ve shared and ask Allah to bring those feelings back.

How many days to recite: This dua should be recited for 7 days after Asr prayer.

Dua for Bringing Back Your True Love

If you have lost contact with someone you deeply love, or the person has distanced themselves, this dua will ask Allah to reunite you with your true love.

“Ya Allah, rudda ilayya al-shakhs alladhi uhib, wa ja’al qulubana muttahedah fee sa’adah wa salam.”
Transliteration: “Ya Allah, bring back the person I love into my life, and let our hearts be joined in happiness and peace.”


  1. Begin by performing wudu and offering two rakaats of nafl (optional) prayer.
  2. After completing the prayer, recite this dua 101 times with full concentration.
  3. Imagine your loved one returning to your life, and trust Allah’s wisdom.

How many days to recite: This dua should be recited for 40 days. Continue believing in Allah’s power and mercy as you complete this process.

Dua to Inspire Love and Affection in Someone’s Heart

Sometimes, we love someone, but they may not feel the same way. This dua asks Allah to inspire love and affection in the heart of the person you care about, making your relationship stronger and more affectionate.

Ya Allah, imla’ qalb [person’s name] bil hubb wal mahabba li, wa ja’alna aqrab.”

Transliteration: “Ya Allah, fill the heart of [person’s name] with love and affection for me, and make us closer.”

Procedure of Performing this Dua

  1. Perform wudu.
  2. After Isha prayer (the night prayer), recite this dua 70 times.
  3. Visualize the person you love growing closer to you, with Allah guiding their heart.

Recite this dua for 21 days consistently after Isha prayer.

When you perform this ritual of the dua for getting love back with a sincere intention, your lover will come back to you soon. If you cannot give the sweets to your ex-lover because he is far away from you, contact our Peer Ghulam Ali Dahlavi.

Dua For Getting The Person You Love
In this image we share Dua For Getting the Person You Love

5 Proven Steps For Dua For Getting the Person You Love

This article will mainly talk about the dua for love back. If you face any difficulty performing these duas, you can contact our Peer Ghulam Ali Dahlavi Ji . He will help you with the best dua to make someone love you for a happier relationship.

  1. Start by performing wudu, the ritual washing before prayers.
  2. Say the tasbih of Bibi Fatima (the prayer beads associated with Fatima, daughter of the Prophet Muhammad) 11 times.
  3. Recite Surah Fatir (Chapter 35 of the Quran) 32 times.
  4. Before going to bed, read Ayatul Kursi, a verse from the Quran known for its protective qualities.
  5. Lastly, earnestly pray to Allah to bring the person you love into your life.

Repeat these steps for 13 days, and you may start noticing positive changes, like the person reaching out to you.

Benefits of Reading This Dua

Reciting duas with full faith and trust in Allah brings numerous benefits:

  1. Strengthens the bond: Constantly turning to Allah in prayer brings you and your partner closer.
  2. Removes negativity: Allah clears misunderstandings and softens hearts through His mercy.
  3. Brings peace: Regular dua helps to calm the mind and brings inner peace in difficult situations.
  4. Guides decisions: When asking Allah for love, He guides you to what is best for you.
  5. Boosts faith: Reciting these duas helps you place your trust in Allah, increasing your reliance on Him.

If you are in love with someone and want your person to fall in love with you, then you should read our dua to make someone fall in love with you in Islam.


Don’t worry if you’ve lost someone you love. You can get them back with a special Powerful Wazifa. If you really want to be with someone forever, you just need to do this Wazifa with the right thoughts. As a good Muslim, keep talking to Allah Tallah and believe that your wishes can come true.

Don’t put it off any longer if getting back with the love of your life is what you truly want. He will be the beacon and tool of Allah Tallah used to restore your blissful existence. Please consult with us to speak with Molvi Ghulam Ali Dahlavi Ji about your situation. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Allah Bring Your Lover Back into Your Life If You Read a Dua for love back?

The answer to this question is yes, which may come as a surprise to you. Allah Subhaanu Wa Ta’ala will bring your lover back into your life if you recite the duas provided by our Maulvi Sahab in this article.

The effects of this dua will take time to show, but you will successfully get your love back into your life.

Will Allah Give Me My Love Back?

If your intentions are clear and pure then Allah will surely will give you your love back. Allah makes choices based on what is smart and good for you.

You can pray for help and peace, but believe that Allah knows what is best for you in the long run, whether that means finding a new love or moving on to something else.

Will Allah Reunite Me With My Ex?

If your intentions are good for your ex and your love is pure, then surely Allah will reunite you with your ex. It is often seen that as soon as a relationship breaks, we start criticizing our ex-partners.

But those who truly love never say anything wrong about their ex-partners in front of others. Allah never makes good-hearted people sad.

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