Best Wazifa for Love Back (Getting Your Love Back)


Salam, to all my brothers and sisters, Our powerful wazifa for love back has transformed the lives of many individuals who have tried it. It’s like magic for bringing back love and it’s still helping lots of people today.

Everyone should experience true love in their life. Sometimes, because of some unfortunate situation, the love of your life can choose to leave you. 

Things become even worse when ta relationship ends because of a third person. No person deserves to suffer through the pain of heartbreak.

If you are someone who does not want to have a loveless life, you should read Powerful Islamic Wazifa for Love Back. A prayer solves your problem by removing the third person from the situation.

4 Important Points To Keep In Mind About Love Back Wazifa

If you think that the dua for love back does not affect you, it might be because of the black magic performed on you.

  1. Someone might have performed Kala ilm on your relationship.
  2. You can consult our Islamic scholar if you want his help with any dua or wazifa.
  3. It is strictly prohibited for women to perform a wazifa for love back during their periods.
  4. Any dua or wazifa to get love back should be performed with complete trust in the powers of Almighty Allah.

It is not easy to find love again if someone has already lost it. If you have been in love and understand the pain of losing it, we have a prayer for you.

How To Perform Wazifa for Love back Step by Step?

Important Note : Start Wazifa for love back with creating an ablution after Fajr morning prayer to get effective results.

  1. Start by reciting Durood E Ibrahimi 7 times as soon as complete your namaz.
  2. Recite Surah Yaseen eleven times after the Durood E Ibrahimi.
  3. Then take a white piece of paper and write your lover’s name on it.
  4. Keep that paper in front of you and recite this verse 101 times.

Subḥaan-allaahi Wa Biḥamdihi Wa Subḥaan-allaahil-‛aẓeem

     5. Blow your breath over the paper and put it underneath your pillow. Sleep with it and perform this ritual for three days.

You have to practice this Wazifa for love back for at least 15 consecutive days. Islamic Wazifa for getting your love back will show great results if you perform it sincerely.

Your lover will be back in your life if you perform this ritual for at least fifteen days. If you want a wazifa to get love back or dua that gives instant results, then contact Molvi Ghulam Ali Dahlavi.

If yes, you are in the right place to learn about the dua for love. Losing someone you love the most is one of the most painful things one can ever experience.

Wazifa For Getting Love Back
Image of Wazifa For Getting Love BacK

How To Perform Wazifa For Getting Love Back

The Wazifa for getting love back is consistently ranked among the most searched after. It is thought that reuniting with a loved one and regaining a lost love can be accomplished with the help of this Wazifa for love back.

In order to complete the Wazifa for getting love back, you will need to recite a specific Islamic prayer for a period of forty days.

  • Make sure you are clean and in a quiet and peaceful place.
  • Recite Durood Sharif 3 time and keep your eyes close.
  • Recite “Ya Wadudu” 1001 times with full concentration and dedication.
  • Now, Make a dua in your own words with feelings asking Allah to bring back your loved one.After each recitation, you have to blow on a bottle of water and then give that bottle to the person you love.
  • At last, finish this process by reciting durood sharif 3 more times.

Follow the process of this wazifa consistently for 40 days and have faith in Allah’s plan.

Note: Make sure that no one else drinks the water from that bottle.

5 Steps To Follow For Islamic Wazifa To Get Love Back

  • It is best to perform this wazifa to get love back should be performed after the Isha namaz.
  • As soon as you complete the namaz, recite ‘Valar Umar Zeen Kaleef‘ 300 times
  • After every recitation of the verse mentioned above, you will have to say your lover’s name.
  • Repeat this Wazifa for love at least twice a day for seven days.
  • In the end, recite Durood Sharif Eleven times.

The wazifa to get love back will show its results within a week if performed sincerely. 

If you have any doubt about performing the wazifa to get love back, you can contact our Molvi Ghulam Ali Dahlavi. He will help you find out how to get lost love back in Islam by reading a prayer from Quran.

Wazifa For Love Back On A Photo
This image represents Wazifa for Love Back on a Photo

How To Perform Wazifa for Love Back on a Photo?

Our Islamic scholar is often asked if there is a wazifa for love on photo or not. His answer is yes, there is a wazifa for love on a photo that is performed as per the following process:

  • Sit in a quiet place and complete the Asr namaz.
  • After completing the namaz, think of your lover with a sincere heart.
  • Recite the 29th verse of Surah Ar-Rahman 15 times.
  • Then, recite Durood Shareef ten times and blow over your lover’s photo.
  • In the end, read Almighty Allah’s name “Ya Waajidu” 101 Times.

Perform this Wazifa for love on photo correctly for a week. Your lover will come back within one week. 

Who Can Perform the Wazifa in 3 Days?

  • Reading this wazifa has no connection with what your age or gender is. Islam permits you to perform this dua if you desperately want to get love back.
  • It is better to understand this wazifa for getting love back by an expert instead of doing it wrong.
  • You should only perform a wazifa for love back if you wish to spend the rest of your life with that person.
  • No matter how difficult the situation in your life is, we are here to help you. Do not hesitate in calling or message us for our help with these Islamic prayers. Our Maulvi Ji has helped many people solve their problems and live happier life.

Do not hesitate in contacting us for the wazifa to get love back in 24 hours. If you have any doubts about the process of these wazifa for love back, consult us.

If you feel that your lover is distancing themselves from you, it could be the effect of the evil eye or black magic. If you are experiencing similar issues, don’t hesitate to contact our Molvi Ghulam Ali Dahlavi Ji.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which Wazifa to Read to Get My Love Back?

Many Islamic remedies can help you get your love back. You can recite Surah Al-Ahzab for a week. Then, recite “Qwata Illa Baillahil wa Naseer” 124 times daily. Keep faith in Allah and do this ritual properly. Within a few days, your love will come back to your forever. 

How can I Make My Husband Love Me Again by Reading a Dua?

By reading the dua for your husband’s love, you can make your husband fall for you again. Reading this dua after Fajr namaz with a sincere heart will help you get instant results. 

Is There a Dua to Break My Engagement?

The dua to break someone engagement is the prayer to read for this purpose. If you are being forced into a marriage, you can read this dua immediately. You can contact our Islamic scholar for his help to perform this dua. 

Which Dua or Wazifa will Get My Lost Love Back in 7 days?

You must read the most powerful dua for love back to help you. Within a few days, Allah will fulfill your wish. Remember to have faith in him and perform this dua with a pure intention. 

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